Title 16 Business Entities
This title is included in your selections.
- Chapter 1 – General Provisions
- Chapter 2 – Limited Liability Companies
- §2-101 Reference
- §2-102 Company Name
- §2-103 Registered Office and Registered Agent
- §2-104 Nature of Business
- §2-105 Documents, Signatures and Requirements
- §2-106 Execution by Judicial Act
- §2-107 Articles of Organization
- §2-108 Powers
- §2-109 Amendment
- §2-110 Operating Agreement
- §2-111 Management
- §2-112 Duties
- §2-113 Liability for Acts, Debts or Obligations
- §2-114 Voting Rights
- §2-115 Records and Information
- §2-116 Disassociation
- §2-117 Member Contribution
- §2-118 Allocation of Profits and Losses
- §2-119 Dissolution
- §2-120 Dissolution by Judicial Decree
- §2-121 Winding Up
- §2-122 Distribution of Assets
- §2-123 Articles of Dissolution
- §2-124 Foreign Limited Liability Companies
- Chapter 3 – Corporation Code
- §3-101 Reference
- §3-102 Applicable Law
- §3-103 Organization
- §3-104 Corporate Name
- §3-105 Incorporators
- §3-106 Articles of Incorporation
- §3-107 Filing Articles of Incorporation
- §3-108 Amending Articles of Incorporation
- §3-109 Organization of Corporation
- §3-110 Powers
- §3-111 Bylaws
- §3-112 Registered Office and Agent
- §3-113 Service on Corporation
- §3-114 Records
- §3-115 Shares
- §3-116 Board of Directors
- §3-117 Election and Term
- §3-118 Resignation and Removal of Directors
- §3-119 Vacancies
- §3-120 Compensation
- §3-121 Meetings
- §3-122 Notice and Waiver
- §3-123 Quorum and Voting
- §3-124 Conflicts of Interest
- §3-125 Loans to Directors
- §3-126 Officers
- §3-127 Resignation and Removal of Officers
- §3-128 Contract Rights
- §3-129 Shareholder Meetings
- §3-130 Shareholder Meeting Notice
- §3-131 Voting by Shareholders
- §3-132 Liability
- §3-133 Dissolution
- §3-134 Post-Filing Procedure
- §3-135 Distribution of Assets
- §3-136 Articles of Dissolution
- Chapter 4 – Merger